Regulatorna agencija za energetiku i regulisane komunalne djelatnosti
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Regulatorna agencija za energetiku i regulisane komunalne djelatnosti
Data Portal
Pogledajte vizuelnu prezentaciju svih naših podataka
puta više električne energije je ušlo u elektroprenosni sistem Crne Gore u 2020. u odnosu na 2018. godinu
Stepen naplate regulisanih komunalnih usluga na nivou Crne Gore u 2020. godini
ukupan broj licenciranih subjekata za transport nafte i gasa u Crnoj Gori u januaru 2022. godine
vršilaca regulisanih komunalnih djelatnosti u Crnoj Gori ne mjeri količine zahvaćene vode na vodoizvorištima
ukupan broj licenciranih benzinskih i plinskih stanica i jahting servica u Crnoj Gori u januaru 2022. godine
električne energije proizvedene u Crnoj Gori u 2020. godini je proizvedeno od strane obnovljivih izvora energije

Najčešća pitanja
U kojim slučajevima i u kojem iznosu kupci imaju pravo na kompenzaciju ako se desi prekid u napajanju električnom energijom?
Koje su cijene električne energije koje se trenutno primjenjuju?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
Najčešća pitanja
U kojim slučajevima i u kojem iznosu kupci imaju pravo na kompenzaciju ako se desi prekid u napajanju električnom energijom?
Koje su cijene električne energije koje se trenutno primjenjuju?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?
What do I have to do to ask a question? Here is an example of a longer question, is this text enough?